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Please complete all sections of this form to the best of your ability.


First Name

Last Name





Home Phone Number

Mobile Number

About You

In order to help us find a suitable equine please could you tell us some information about you;

Equine Experience

Have you had experience with the type of horse/s you are applying for? (Yes/No)

If Yes please specify:

What is your Experience Level?




Are you competent at lunging?

Are you competent at long reining?

When did you last do this activity?

Rider Details

To apply for a ridden horse we need the details of the main rider. If more than one person will be riding the horse please let us know their details in the box below titled 'Additional Rider Details'.

Rider Name

Rider Age

Rider Weight

Rider Height

Additional Rider Details

Type of Equine Requested

Name of Equine/s (if known)

Are you interested in:

What type of equine are you Interested in:

What gender are you interested in:

Do you have a height Preference?

Do you have an age preference?

Ridden Equine

Are you looking for a riding horse?

If you are looking to adopt/foster an equine as a companion only please move onto the next part.

Daily Hacking

Light Hacking

Pony Club

Riding Club



Show Jumping



Companion Equine

What Is Your Reason For Wanting A Companion Equine?

To provide company to an existing equine

To provide company to an old or retired equine

To provide company to a youngster

To give an equine a home with existing equines

As a pet

What would you like to do with your companion?

In hand showing


Field Companion to another equine

Natural horsemanship /Groundwork

Other (please Specify)

I have experience of nervous/less handled equines and can confidently continue their education in a companion capacity.

I am seeking a pony/horse who knows the basics such as picking up feet, being caught and dealing with dentist/vet visits and can continue to positively educate with regard to handling.

I am looking for an equine that is easy to do and generally good to handle.

I am looking for an equine that is suitable for families/children.

Your Facilities and Grazing

Will the horse/pony be stabled at your home address?

If not, what address will the horse/pony be stabled at?

What type of Address will the horse/pony be homed to?

Private, Livery, Riding School, Working Farm

What is the total number of horses kept on the land? *

Is Daily Turnout Available?

What kind of grass free turnout is available?

For example, sand paddock, woodchip, corral, other? Please specify.

How often would your horse/pony be turned out and for how long?

Are they turned out singly or in groups?

Please give as much detail as possible.

Will The Equine Be Left On Its Own?

  1. Never Left

  2. Occassionally - Whilst other equine is being Exercised

  3. Occassionally - For longer periods whilst other equine is at events

  4. Regularly - for short periods

  5. Regularly - For longer periods (events or other equine is stabled)

Can the Equine see any other equines when it's in the field alone?

How Much Grazing Is Available?

How Best Describes Your Grazing?

  1. Suitable for Laminitics/Good Doers

  2. Average Grazing

  3. Lush Grazing

  4. Access to Conserved Forage (Hay/Haylage)

Do you have a stable for the new horse?

What Shelter Is Available?

  1. Natural Hedging

  2. Field Shelter

  3. Stable

  4. Barn

What Type Of Fencing Encloses The Fields?

  1. Post & Rail

  2. Electric Fencing

  3. Stock Fencing

  4. Barbed Wire

  5. Other (please specify)

How Would You Restrict Grazing If Required?

  1. Strip Grazing

  2. Grazing Muzzle

  3. Periods of Stabling

  4. Other (please Specify)

How Do You Control Poisonous Plants?

  1. Spraying

  2. Physical Removal

  3. Other (please specify)

What Types Of Pasture Management Is Utilised?

  1. Regular Poo-Picking

  2. Regular Harrowing

  3. Cross-Grazing with other species

  4. Rotation & Resting of Fields

  5. Fertilising

  6. None

  7. Other (please Specify)

What Facilities Are Available Should Your Equine Become Ill or Injured?

Providing Care

Is there someone living on-site all the time? If so, who?

Are you going to be the primary carer? (if you will not be the primary carer please state who will be and the arrangement)

Do you have provision of care if you are unable to? (I.e. Holiday, Illness or Injury)

Please Provide Contact Details Of Your Veterinary Surgeon/Practice

Please Provide Contact Details Of Your Dental Technician

Please Provide Contact Details Of Your Farrier

Please Provide Contact Details Of Your Instructor Or Other Professionals You May Use

Details of any equines already owned:

What Breed Is Your Existing Equine? (If Multiple Equines, Please List All Answers)

What Gender Is Your Existing Equine/s?

What Age Is Your Existing Equine? (If Multiple Equines, Please List All Answers)

How Would You Describe Your Equine’s Temperament?

How Best Describes Your Equine’s Dietary Requirements?

What Is The Vaccination Status Of Your Equine?

Do You Utilise A Worming Programme?

Can Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary ask for a reference if required? Yes/No

**NB - We cannot guarantee we will have an equine to suit your requirements or skill level. Incomplete forms or unsuitable applicants may not be contacted dependant on the volume of applications received at particular times of the year.


There are many reasons why re-homing a rescue from Crosskennan is more rewarding than purchasing a horse on the open market...

 You are providing a better life and a secure future for a horse or pony that maybe hasn't had the best start in life.

 All horses/ponies receive extra loving care and feeding program is devised. Vet checks, dental checks and treatment, and hoof care as appropriate. NO information is hidden from prospective loanee's. Any past injuries/conditions and any little quirks or vices are made known in an effort to match all our horses and ponies to the perfect home.

 when you adopt from Crosskennan we do our best to be there for support and guidance if needed-We understand that circumstances change and you may not be able to keep the horse/pony. Should the need arise, horses can be returned to Crosskennan.

Whilst the right horse for you may not be available immediately we will endeavour to find the best match for horse and loanee. We will keep in touch.

Stage 1: Complete an online application form

 This allows us to make a preliminary evaluation as to whether any of our current horses/ponies are a good match for you.

 Potential loanee's under the age of 18 years will need to be guaranteed by an experienced parent or guardian.


Stage 2:We contact you
 After receiving your application we will contact you (usually by email unless otherwise stated) within 1 week.
 We will discuss with you in more detail about your requirements and expectations and the ability/character of any potential horses/ponies.


Stage 3: Meet your potential horse/pony
 We will invite you to make an appointment to meet any horses/ponies that may be suitable.
You are welcome to take as much time as you need to make a decision and are welcome you to come back to visit/ride your choice to ensure you are
both happy.


Stage 4: home visits
If we all decide to proceed with the loan arrangement we will :
 Arrange a home/yard visit to the premises where the horse will be kept.
 The visit is to ensure that the horse has a safe environment with adequate stabling and turnout for his needs. We are not looking for perfection but good husbandry and common sense.


Stage 5: Contract
 You will sign a contract stating the terms and conditions of the loan. This is devised to safeguard all concerned, primarily the welfare of the horse/pony.
 Once the contract has been exchanged and the re-homing donation received by Crosskennan, you may lift your new companion or we can deliver to you. You will be responsible for all the costs of keeping the horse thereafter.

Stage 6: Follow ups
 We would ask that you send us pictures and updates from time to time on your progress. We would also ask, on occasion to visit by prior arrangement, to see how horse/pony is settled into new home.

The Costs & Requirements
By the time a horse is ready for his new loan home the charity has invested a considerable amount of time and money in him/her, for this reason we ask the loanee to pay a non-refundable, re-homing donation when the horse is adopted.

Donation :

There is an adoption fee to adopt a Crosskennan horse or pony which can be anything from £150 to £500, depending on the type of equine and the animal's rehabilitation.

**Insurance: The loanee is responsible for taking out their own insurance, we can put you in touch with recommended providers - please ask.

Crosskennan Help & Advice
We are available to advise you through all stages of this process and at all times to assist you with your new horse thereafter. Any problems can be assessed and help is at hand from experienced volunteers.Should a horse need to be returned for any reason,


Crosskennan requires two weeks notice and the loanee will be responsible for the cost of the return transport.

Should a horse need to be returned for any reason, Crosskennan requires, at a minimum, two weeks notice and the loanee will be responsible for the cost of the return transport.

Please make sure you have read all the rehoming process information AND do you agree with the process and costs involved with fostering and adoption?

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