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  • How are you funded?
    Crosskennan is entirely funded by public donations. Our annual funding requirement is now approximately £200,000. We have no income from national or local authority and no national or parent charity to draw funds from. We rely solely on the goodwill of people such as yourselves to help us to take care of all our animals as well as grant giving bodies.
  • How can I donate things to the sanctuary?
    You can donate a wide variety of things to the sanctuary. If you have any items please contact the sanctuary via email - Please note that we are generally unable to collect donations. You can also donate via our Amazon Wishlist
  • What things can I donate to the sanctuary?
    You can donate a wide variety of things to the sanctuary, including; Animal Food: We can take advantage of most donated animal food. If for some reason we cannot use it ourselv es, we will ensure that other animals in need benefit from your generousity. Fresh fruit and vegetables are always welcome for our birds and equines. Bedding: We have a never-ending need for bedding! This can be blankets, towels, sheets and other similar materials that we can use to make beds. Items For Selling: The items we can sell include unwanted gifts, good quality bric-a-brac, household items, etc. If you have any items please contact the sanctuary via email - Please note that we are generally unable to collect donations.
  • I emailed you two days ago and you still haven't responded, why?"
    Unfortunately our office is only manned part time and not at weekends. We also are receiving a large number of emails everyday. We appreciate your patience when contacting us, we will do all we can to get back to you ASAP. If you have an urgent issue please call the sanctuary directly - 028 9446 5384. Again our phones are not manned 24/7 but we do recieve your messages and try and reply within a day or less.
  • I phoned today but no one answered; is there no one there?
    Unfortunately our office is only manned part time and not at weekends. We also are receiving a large number of calls everyday as well as the normal work of the sanctuary and the unplanned rescues. We appreciate your patience when contacting us, we will do all we can to get back to you ASAP. If you have an urgent issue please call the sanctuary directly and leave a message - 028 9446 5384. Again our phones are not manned 24/7 but we do recieve your messages and try and reply within a day or less. Please make sure to leave a contact name and number in a clear voice so we can call you back.
  • Can I Volunteer with the animals?
    You most certainly can! We take volunteers from 16 years and up. You can fill in a form on our website here -
  • COVID-19
    When the news broke of the COVID-19 restrictions Lyn Friel, the manager, was oblivious. Spending the majority of time caring for the animals and responding to people’s calls keeps her so busy that the outside world has a hard job breaking in. The outside world wasn’t going to be held at bay forever though and on Tuesday the twenty-fourth of March Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary issued a statement to the public that it was officially in lockdown. “We can’t take the risk that any of our dedicated staff and volunteers may fall ill and therefore be unable to care for the animals at the sanctuary; of which currently there are over one hundred and twenty.” At the time of closing, we were in the middle of volunteer training, fundraising and the building of a new sanctuary stable and shelter to house some of the sanctuary’s shetland population. All had to be put on hold; among some of our normal daily activities like rehoming and providing animal visits to the local community. Immediately we saw losses of income and other donations of food and bedding, that would normally be coming in as results of bag packs, coffee mornings and other activities. We had to cancel upcoming events and sadly ask some volunteers not to attend. The office is being manned from those who are staying at home where possible, while the yard staff and long term volunteers continue to provide care while following guidelines of social distancing and handwashing. Life must go on at the sanctuary, we do not have the option of closing the gates up and working from home. Without the staff and volunteers, the animals will suffer. Without people’s support, we cannot continue; and that is a terrifying thought that is plaguing us more and more as the days continue. The team has been working hard with various supporters doing whatever they can to help provide funds; from a print at a home colouring book to the launch of our Online Pet Show. Our social media volunteer has been helpfully translating all the animal’s daily fun ‘diary’ entries on our social media pages to keep the community engaged and informed, not just about the sanctuary but the current news too. On top of the fundraising activities, we are still working behind the gates on saving lives, with daily calls and emails regarding welfare, abandoned animals and animals needing to be rehomed at this time. We are doing our best to resolve as many cases as we can through intervention and advice where suited. These are strange times for all, but one thing is sure, we will do our utmost best to support every single animal we possibly can. We need help more than ever, in a time where sadly the world is difficult for everyone. There so many ways you can help us and you can learn more by visiting our Website - or emailing You can keep up to date with all our news on Instagram and Facebook too.
  • Hi, there's a a Horse in a field..."
    Many of our reports are from members of the public regarding a horse in a feild. For Welfare concerns we need to gather as much information as possible in the initial contact; it can take days to gather enough informaiton for us to make an informed assessment and reccomendation. For many the sooner we can act the better! If you are concerned about the welfare of an equine - contact your council's animal welfare officer. District councils are responsiible for enforcement of the Welfare of Animals (NI) Act 2011. Applying to "non farmed animals" - ie. domestic pets such as cats, dogs, horses, etc. Horses on the Road If equines are loose on the road contact the PSNI. If an animal is loose on the road and an owner is unknown the PSNI have the power under Article 10 Animals (NI) Order 1976 to impound it with a suitable person/body. Establish the Facts Is the horse; Underweight (can you see ribs or other bones?) Injured (is it limping or have visible wounds?) Safe (is it enclosed in a field or paddock where it cannot access dangerous areas ie. roads, railways etc.) Does it have: Shelter (trees, hedges or stable, etc?) Water (there may be a drinking trough or buckets somewhere) Enough food (not every equine needs the same amount - some horses need very little to no grass, others need extra food. Establish what food is available if you can) An Owner (if you don't know for sure look for signs of care, ie. a rug, or feed buckets etc.) If you are concerned Take Photos Take down address or as much detail as you can about the location Note the Date and also how long the animal has been there (if known). Contact your local District Council for Welfare Concerns - or PSNI for Horses loose on the road. All Animals need; a suitable environment a suitable diet to be housed with or apart from other animals as required to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns Crosskennan will do all we can in offering aid and advice but if you are concerned please conctact the Council or the the PSNI. If in doubt email and we will help signpost you to the relevant body.
  • What charitable Organisations support you?
    We are supported both financially and otherwise by many organisations across the UK. Some of these include; Petplan Petplan have offered us financial support over the years in the forms of grants for feed, bedding, vet costs, etc. We are very grateful for their ongoing support. Support Adoption For Pets Support Adoption For Pets support us through food donations as well as grant support, helping with projects like replacing our sanctuary vehicle and replacing the cat run in the most recent years while also providing financial aid during the lockdown period of 2020 helping cover feed and vet costs. One Voice For Animals UK Appeal In response to COVID-19 the One voice for Animals UK Appeal was launched to help connect small charities in need of help in this difficult time with support and the much needed donations to keep animals in the UK safe and well. They've supported us in publising our work as well as including us as recipients of charitable auctions and assisting with promotion etc. ​ Learn more by visiting
  • What are Friends of Crosskennan?
    These are businesses, organisations or individuals who have supported us either financially or on a voluntary basis, through donations of food, bedding, time, money, etc. Some of these include; Top Spec, Scribble Studio NI, Alan Workman Contracts, Doagh Farm Feeds, Creative Gardens, Fair Frames, Pets At Home, Fairhill Shopping Centre, The Hungry Vegan, Plus many more!
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