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Take a Virtual Tour of the Sanctuary

Harper's Gang

Harper's Gang

Jarvis' Gang

Jarvis' Gang

Jarvis the Cavehill rescue runs his gang like any good boss, keeping the peace, watching out for everyone, and of course demanding gifts from the staff and volunteers to keep him on side. He is always accompanied by his smaller sidekick Kerry. Within their 'gang' currently they have the old grumpy lady Beth, the younger curious but wary Forza, the trouble maker Alesha, and the little man Harvey.

OAPs - Obviously Awesome Ponies

OAPs - Obviously Awesome Ponies

Most of them are in their twilight years, but that doesn't mean this little group of ponies are napping on their armchairs. They do often prefer the quieter life and enjoy some extras age has afforded them, but they can also be demanding, sneaky and often the first to spot an open gate or an unattended feed bucket. Currently included on the roster are brothers Brock and Blaine, lovebirds Lucy and Tinny, the troublesome Twosome Tansy and Tamma, the cheerful and always ready for a cuddle Cyril, the Tiny Tilly and of course the grey lady herself, Lady.

Penny & Her Donkeys

Penny & Her Donkeys

Penny and her donkeys are one of the most recgonisable herd groups on site. With the matriach of the herd being the 16hh skewbald Penny, always closely followed by her best friend Denzel the donkey, as well as the other donkeys old Ned, and mother and son duo Emily and Elijah.

Sorley's Boys

Sorley's Boys

Sorley Boy is one of our oldest residents, both in age and duration of residence at the sanctuary. Sorley Boy is our only stallion on site and due to this he has his own area of the sanctuary. When we take in a new stallion they go and join Sorley's area, and stay there until they are castrated and can find another herd to join or find a home. Currently Sorley's got one bachelor in residence with him, the beautiful Irish Cob Charles.

The Big Boys

The Big Boys

While there have been bigger horses on site, none have quite matched up in personality to the 'Big Boys'. The boy's numbers grow and shrink but for over 17 years the main man has been Lucas the ex racehorse. He is currently holding number one spot on the yard with his number two Hercules; also an ex racer of a sorts.

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