Foster Cats need your help!
With costs skyrocketing we need your help!
Today we are appealing for 6 - who will be dropping down to 4 this week when 2 head off to their new home 🏡
To cover food and litter for the Christmas period we need to raise at least £82.88 for these guys and girls.
Can you help?
They are eating whiskas kitten dry only - due to several upset stomachs and this being the only food so far to work for them.
They are also using ekopet cat litter.
Can you help our fosterers and the cats in need who are so lucky to have a warm bed this winter and food in their bellies!
Please donate if you can - as little or as much as you can. We will do our best to split the amount raised among all fosterers and we will continue to appeal for those in foster as well as at the sanctuary as December continues.
If you can donate food or cat litter please do. We will specify which foods each are eating at present with each appeal to ensure that we get them the food that they eat so we don’t risk upset stomachs over the holidays!
📲 To give monthly from your mobile text CLAS followed by your chosen amount to 70660 - you can stop donations at any time! Texting CLAS5 will pledge £5 monthly until you text stop. If you want to give more or less just enter the specific amount! It’s that simple!