I came to the sanctuary because I needed a new home and because I was loved. My owner picked a new home for me and here it is. I quite like it, now, I honestly wasn't so sure when I arrived. Lots of people, lots of noise, smells, horses! So many horses! I like the mares though, they are cute, and the humans have obviously been talking to my owner because they know all my favourite foods and I get some special one on one time in the evenings. So, it's not the same as my old home. But I like it!
Arrow is 30 years young and sadly his owner couldn’t continue to care for him and wanted to get him somewhere where he would be happy and safe. Originally we helped secure him a new home thinking this would be better than him coming to the sanctuary, but it didn't work out and in July 2020 he arrived at the sanctuary.
He had known one home for 15 years and his people. When he arrived with us he had lost weight and was very stressed. The process of moving to two different homes in the space of two months had took a toll on him and we were very concerned for him on arrival. We immediately set to getting him fed up again, conscious that he is older and nearly all of his teeth are just for show nowadays. Another thing was getting him introduced safely to other horses, he hadn't been in a yard environment for many many years and it was all rather scary we imagine and he didn't seem to know how to communicate with the other horses at first, how to read their body language. He seemed to be perpetually watching them, curious but cautious.
Since arriving in July he gained weight and got a shine back in his coat. He made 'friends' even if they are just for turnout time and his previous owner came to see him. He has got himself a little old man belly and has good moments just trotting about the field and flirting with the mares over the fence. It’s all been a bit of a whirlwind for this old boy and he took a little while finding his feet. We always give him an extra cuddle when passing; he's stolen many of the staff and volunteer's hearts.
Arrow is such a joy. He just makes me happy to be around. He's always having a nap or looking for a snack. He's like the old grandpa on the yard, who still flirts with all the old ladies - mostly Lacey and Angel! - VOLUNTEER
Arrow needs formula 4 feet, and Devil's relief for his old joints and about 1 million sweet apples (shredded not sliced)!
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